What is the Twilight Women's Cricket League (TWCL)?
Interested in playing cricket?
Don't have the time on the weekends?
Used to play, but not anymore?
Want to play with your friends?
TWCL is a brand-new cricket competition managed and coordinated by Cricket NSW for women aged 16+ in NSW.
Teams are 8 players per side
Local synthetic cricket fields
Weeknight, 6pm start time
90 minute matches
Minimal protective equipment needed. ie. No helmets or pads!
Modified cricket ball provided
Join as an individual or round up your friends and enter a team!
TWCL season 2023/24
In Season 2023/24, the TWCL will launch in various location across Sydney.
Summer Competitions will commence in Feb 2024 and conclude in March 2024.

Umpires and Scorers
Turn up and play in TWCL matches with all umpiring and scoring being provided for you. All umpires will be trained to score matches using our e-scoring platform.

Competition Management
The TWCL will be coordinated like any other cricket competition in NSW, on PlayHQ with access to stats, ladders and fixtures.

Playing Equipment
Cricket NSW will organise the ground setup each week and have some playing equipment available for those players without their own. Match Balls will be supplied.